


双人w/ 19餐计划 $4,111.52(双人房)
单人w/ 19餐计划 $4,677.82(单人房)




的 住房 Office recognizes that students may desire to personalize their rooms. 我们鼓励并支持房间个性化的努力.

It is recommended that you talk with your roommate and discuss what the two of you 想在开始前完成吗. 请记住你必须离开 the room in the same condition it was in when you moved in at the beginning of the 学期.

Student rooms will be inspected prior to move-in, at 学期 breaks, announced safety 检查和搬家.

It is expected you will read the Residence Hall Handbook for specifics regarding living 在校园.


Although you are encouraged to decorate your room, do not write or paint on the walls of your room or the interior or exterior of your room door. 将收取费用 对于任何需要的清理. Do not use glow-in-the-dark stickers, chalk, glue, or tape 在墙上、天花板上或门上. 它们非常难以去除,而且确实可以 移除它们是昂贵的费用. 不要用任何材料在墙上写字. Any necessary cleanup and/or damage will result in charges. 因为砖是多孔的, chalk is very hard to remove and there will be extensive cleanup charges. 篡改 禁止带和/或覆盖烟雾探测器. 放置任何障碍物沿 门的底座也是禁止的. 当发现纪律处分和/或罚款 是有可能的. We encourage students to look into non-permanent devices such as poster Putty和命令条显示个人项目.


Students are responsible for the College furnishings provided in their rooms. 所有 rooms are furnished with a Extra Long Twin bed, dresser, closet, desk and chair. 的 beds 在你的房间里 can be configured as bunks if desired if available. 这些床可能 be bunked or un-bunked, please contact the 住房 staff for the proper equipment. 所有 furniture provided 在你的房间里 must remain in the room you are assigned at all 次.

Due to weight restrictions and possible damage from puncture, water-filled furniture (i.e. 水床)是不允许的. 便携式空调和蒸发冷却器 are not allowed in any hall due to electrical restrictions. 向署长查询 of 住房 and 学生生活 or Hall Director prior to move-in to ensure an item you 想加到房间里可以吗. 住房和学生生活主管 or Hall Director has final authorization of acceptable items.

Residents must provide their own bedding, towels and personal articles. 家具 designed for use in public areas are not to be moved into students’ rooms. 失败 to follow the 家具 Policy may result in charges to replace/repair damages.


Wireless Internet access is available in each residence hall. 为了使用 Internet connection, residents must have a LEGAL copy of an operating system (OS) 并满足基本的安全要求. 这些要求包括最新的操作系统补丁, 反病毒定义和反间谍软件定义. 所有行政级别和 user accounts on personal computer systems should be password protected. 你必须 abide by 居住生活 and College Network/Internet policy found in the 学生手册.

You are responsible for your computer system regardless of where it is used or by 谁. For problems with your wireless connection, please call or leave a voice mail 拨打719技术服务帮助台.846.从星期一到星期五 8:00 a.m. 至下午5时.m.


You are responsible for your computer system regardless of where it is used or by 谁. For problems with your wireless connection, please call or leave a voice mail 拨打719技术服务帮助台.846.从星期一到星期五 8:00 a.m. 至下午5时.m.


每个宿舍都有洗衣设施. 洗衣设备是否损坏 functioning properly please contact the 住房 Office at 719.846.5458. or 719.846.5497


It is highly recommended that all students living in the residence halls obtain insurance 包括个人物品(电视、书籍、电脑等).)可能被自然破坏 灾难或被盗. 的 College will not assume responsibility for the theft, destruction, loss of money, valuables or other personal property belonging to or in the custody of the student, resident’s room, storage area, public areas or elsewhere in the hall or campus, including the baggage handling area related to shipment storage. 帮助 insure the safety of your belonging please lock your deadbolt and shut/lock your windows 当你不在房间的时候.


有特殊的住宿设施. 特别人口协调员, 丹·威尔逊719.846.5567, should be contacted to determine need and availability of 资源.


Each room is equipped with a cable TV hookup providing basic service channel selections. If you have a cable-ready TV there is no extra charge or equipment necessary for these 基本服务. For problems with your cable service contact Comcast at 1.800.康卡斯特公司 (1.800.266.2278).


Each student is responsible for keeping their room clean. 学院提供一个大的 dumpster outside of each residence hall for students to discard their trash. 房间 垃圾必须放到外面的垃圾箱里. 选定清洁用品和设备 是供你使用的吗. Please contact the housing office to use the cleaning supplies. Students are responsible for the cost to repair/replace damages caused to cleaning 设备,而学生借的项目. 提供保管服务 all bathroom facilities, corridors, 地板上 lounges, and other public areas. 常见的 在公共场所要有礼貌和尊重. 我们只是问你是否 烂摊子,然后你来收拾. 每间浴室提供洗漱用品的容器 只垃圾. Misuse of bathroom facilities may result in fine for each student in the residence hall and a $25 cleaning charge will be charged to each individual on the 地板上.


An emergency is defined as fire, life, and safety issues the Trinidad Police Department 应该被称为 911. 此外,应该调用TSC安全性 719.845.6042 及房屋 719.846.5458 or 719.846.5497.


的 efficient circulation of heat from the hot-water radiation panel 在你的房间里 requires that unrestricted air flow be permitted from the bottom of the radiator panel 还有上面的通风口. 房间布置和额外的家具必须 允许这种空气循环. 限制这种气流会导致冻结 管道和广泛的水损坏. 切勿关闭管道上的任何阀门或关闭装置 pipelines that control heat circulation to other areas of the 地板上.


TSC does not provide storage facilities for resident items. 请计划只带 适合你房间的物品. TSC建议你只带适合的物品 your car, large bulky items such as furniture, bicycles, scooter, motorcycles, and large appliances may not be allowed by the 住房 staff. 汽油,丙烷罐 or torches, other flammable materials, and tires are also prohibited from being stored 在你的房间里.


Students may bring their own refrigerators as long as it meets the following requirements: 的 unit specifications are not to exceed the maximum of 4.6立方英尺. 不能超过 115伏,60次循环交流1000瓦. 器具必须是电气和UL认证的. 微波炉的功率要求在1000瓦以下.

住房和学生生活主管 or Hall Director has final authority to approve 或者拒绝使用电器. 的 College reserves the right to inspect refrigerators 不卫生的环境.

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